When Your New Year Doesn’t Start with a Bang

snow covered flower

Written by Kari Ingram

January 13, 2025

“I feel like I’m in a pit, and the sides of the walls are all covered in slime. I’m trying to claw my way out, and I just keep sliding back down.”

I spoke these words to my husband just yesterday.

I usually start the new year off like I’m running a race, and the starting pistol just fired. I don’t make resolutions, but I do set goals. I have my shiny new planner all set up, my goals perfectly articulated, and my action steps planned. My desk is clean and organized, and my mind is clear and focused, just as it should be when the new year begins. I start with a bang, and the momentum carries me well into the year.

I don’t know what happened to me this year, but it is the middle of January. I purchased a shiny new planner, but I haven’t written a single goal in its planning pages. I just began building a new task list today, after weeks of carrying those to-dos around in my head. (Will they all make it to the list? Or are some forever lost in la-la land?) My desk is covered with a quarter-inch of dust, along with myriad other things that don’t belong there. I joined a new writing group a week ago, but haven’t yet found the time to watch the introductory videos. My mind is scattered, disorganized, and overwhelmed.

My inner perfectionist screams. “What’s the point? You’re behind already. You’re never going to catch up!”

When did a date on the calendar get so much power??

I take a deep breath and look out the window where the last remnants of a Southern winter storm are melting away, along with my lofty expectations.

Perhaps I will ease into 2025, rather than sprinting. Set goals as I go, rather than planning out my entire year, only to be disappointed when “life” shatters my carefully designed agenda. Who says I have to have a “word for the year,” or a map that will govern the next 12 months of my life? There is nothing wrong with these things—I’m still a goal-setter—but when my lack of a goal affects my whole outlook on life, it’s time to take a step back.

I’m reminded of the poem that fills a small piece of artwork on my mantle—the only thing my husband and I have that belonged to his great-grandmother, “Nanny” Penney.

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put thine hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to thee better than light and safer than a known way.”

-M. Louise Haskins*

And so this year I will choose to see each day as a gift, and present it back to my Maker as such, that He may lead me wherever He will, and accomplish in and through me whatever He desires. I will walk in faith rather than driving myself on an anxiety-riddled road to my own determined destination. I will take deep breaths and long walks. I will write to my heart’s content. Hmmm…seems I just set myself a few goals.

How about you? Did you start the new year off with a bang? Or, like me, have you struggled to find your footing? There’s no right or wrong, despite what the voice inside your head is telling you! Take a deep breath and look at each day as a gift. What will you do with it?

*I researched this poem and discovered that these words are only the opening lines of a longer poem titled “God Knows.” Read the poem in its entirety here and learn more about the author here.

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  1. Lorie Ochoa

    So encouraging and God glorifying and most of all HONEST although I felt like I started with somewhat of a bang all the sudden it seems the treadmill has been turned up as fast as it can go and I am falling behind. Thank you for the beautiful reminder and encouragement.

    • Kari Ingram

      Take a deep breath, friend! One step at a time. You’re going to get through this crazy season.

  2. Jody Evans

    Kari, I just set up an email to send to my subscribers today and it seems God has been saying the same things to us both (and to others I’ve read this January, too). I love it when He does that. And the poem on your Nanny’s plaque resonates deeply. Thank you for being faithful to share this in such a beautiful way!

    • Kari Ingram

      I love that, too, Jody! Seems God is up to something!

  3. Sue

    Thank you, friend. I needed to read this today. May my hand stay in His as we walk where He leads. Love you!

    • Kari Ingram

      I’m so glad it met you where you are, my friend. Love you, too!

  4. Karen J. Anderson

    Just what I needed. I do have my planner going, but I don’t check off all the things. Instead I move them to the next day and the next. I believe God is calling me to step out in faith and follow His planner rather than mine.

    • Kari Ingram

      When I had a daily planner, I often did the very same thing! I thought I would get tired of rewriting and finally check them off, and it always backfired! I feel sure His planner is much better than ours. 🙂