Can I Tell You a Story?

I have a story. It’s the story of my life, and it’s worth telling. Each chapter of my personal story has meaning and purpose. What’s more, YOU have your own story full of meaning and purpose. Our stories are comprised of all the things that make us who we are. There is good and bad, tragedy and triumph, and a million other elements that all converge in this narrative called “life.”

Sharing our stories leads to connecting relationally with others who identify with various sentences, paragraphs, and chapters of our story. It’s a way to grow, to learn from one another, and to truly understand that we’re not isolated in our experiences and emotions. Someone has gone before me, and no doubt another will be behind me, experiencing the same things, feeling the same way. Perhaps it’s one of you, my readers. And if it is you, then I will tell you that you are not alone. As trite as the phrase sounds, we really are all in this together.

Thank you for being here!