When God Interrupts

Written by Kari Ingram

January 10, 2022

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.”

As mentioned in a previous post, I have established a practice of writing three pages first thing every morning. I got out of the habit for the last several months while it seemed that everything in our lives was going awry, but I’ve jumped back into it this week as I seek to once again establish a degree of normalcy in my life.

As I flipped through my notebook to get to the day’s starting page, an entry from last June caught my eye. In my “morning pages”, as I call them, on that particular day, I had written about my fear of our plans falling through. You see, my husband was planning to retire from his job in California at the end of September 2021, after which we would return to our home and family in Alabama for the next chapter of life.

Now it’s January 2022. We still live in California.

Those fears I had written about became our reality. Our plans did indeed fall through. Or perhaps more accurately, God interrupted our plans for His bigger and, I trust, better (though far harder!) plans.

You may recall from my last post, back in July, that Hubby and I were preparing to head to Oklahoma to help my father-in-law transition to home health care, and eventually hospice. We had been through two of the most difficult weeks in my life earlier in July with my in-laws. I actually said that. “The most difficult weeks in my life.” And it was true at the time. But “B-b-b-baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-nothing yet.

We left California on August 2nd, 2021 for what we expected to be a 2-week trip. We returned just a few days ago, five months later, on January 1st, 2022. Retirement? Postponed. Move to Alabama? Postponed. Instead we’ve had five very long months of living life “on hold.”

I can’t go into all of the details of our experience right now. We’re still processing, and will be for a while. (Praise the Lord for good therapists!) I expect to share much more about these experiences in time, but for now I leave you with a few resounding themes that kept me going through the profound difficulties of 2021.

1) There is purpose in all things, and God’s purposes are ALWAYS for the good of those who love Him.

We have had glimpses of His goodness throughout this time—the chance to get to know my father-in-law better, increased emotional intimacy in our marriage, experiencing God’s strength when our own was depleted—and I am fully convinced that there is far more that we have yet to realize.

“You can make many plans,
but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.”
Proverbs 19:21 (New Living Translation)

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”
Romans 8:28 NLT

2) God uses other people to sustain us in times of difficulty.

There were many days I felt as though I could not continue. I had nothing left to give. Inevitably on those days I would receive a text message or quick phone call reminding me that someone was thinking of us, praying for us.

‘And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for [us].’ 2 Corinthians 1:11 NLT

God even used the hotel staff (Yes, I lived in a Clarion Hotel for 5 months!), who didn’t know any of the details of our circumstances, to bring a smile to my face on some very dark days. From Michele, who brought me pastries, to Harry, who would sneak biscuits into my breakfast bag when I wasn’t looking (I mean, really, how many Jimmy Dean biscuits should a person have to eat in 5 months?), to Sierra, who lit up the room with her smile. These, and others, were a balm to my heart!

A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.
Proverbs 15:13 NLT

3) The truth will set you free.

This particular promise in Scripture reverberated through my head like no other during our last month in Tulsa, and continues even now.

I regret to say that our time in Tulsa did not end well, on many levels. And yet, when friends and family inquire about our well-being, I answer honestly, “We’re okay.” We are okay because God is on the throne, and we can walk freely and confidently in what we know to be true, despite opposition and attacks on every front.

“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NLT

“Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalm 51:6 (English Standard Version)

We will no doubt be mining the events of this past year for many months—perhaps even years—for lessons learned, healing, and restoration. Indeed, I have fodder for my blog for ages to come!

But know this. In the midst of whatever difficulty you face, there is One who beckons you to bring your burden to Him. He is ready to walk with you through the fire and the flood, through the pain and the heartache, through the frustrations and the fears. He freely offers, not an escape from difficulty, but something even better: Himself.

Is it simply me? Have you faced, or are you now facing, difficult circumstances which threaten to overwhelm you? Have your good plans been interrupted by those that seem anything but? How do you cope when life throws you a curve ball?

More importantly, do you know the One who promises to be with you through every struggle you face? I would love to tell you more about Him. You may leave your comments, or contact me directly. I look forward to connecting with you!

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  1. Nancy

    Thank you for this inspiring post. Prayers for you and your husband.

    • Kari

      Thank you for your encouragement and prayers, Nancy!

  2. Lorie Ochoa

    So appreciate your words as I encounter difficult and trying times in this particular season of life. what am encouragement that our God never changes and truly walks thru the fire with us and I love the beauty seen in the ashes and the praise far above the despair

    • Kari

      Where would we be without Him walking through pain and suffering alongside us? And even more than that, actually turning that pain into something beautiful!

  3. Barbara

    I’ve missed your writing, Kari, as I’m always inspired by you. My heart breaks for what you’ve gone through, but also rejoices in knowing God’s ever-present love, guidance, compassion, and wisdom met you each day. Thank you for your wise words.

    • Kari

      Thank you for your encouragement, Barbara!