The Power of Oxygen

Written by Kari Ingram

May 17, 2021

A few weeks ago Hubs and I took a weekend trip to celebrate our anniversary. If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that we are avid hikers. Not backpackers, but day hikers. The mountains are our happy place! I intend no affront to my beachy friends—we enjoy the coast as well—but given the choice, we’re more likely to answer the call of the mountains.

It has taken a while to get back into our regular hikes following a covid holiday hiatus. And as the 2020 hiking season was curtailed by the worst wildfire season in California history, many of our hiking goals have been as yet unmet.

We’ve been working hard to get back into shape in order to accomplish some pretty lofty (both literally and figuratively!) hiking aspirations for our last few months in California. Every morning that the weather allows (Read “wind”. I’ve yet to have a rained out workout, unfortunately.), I’m out walking, racking up mile after mile on my little legs and aching feet. I’ve even added some High-Intensity Interval Training to my morning workouts in an attempt to increase my stamina and heart health.

Back to anniversary weekend….

Because Hubby had never seen much of the California coastline, we decided to head west to the Pacific.

The beaches I grew up visiting are on the Gulf of Mexico, and, though inarguably some of the most beautiful white sandy beaches in the world, the area is flatter than flat. No hill or dale for many miles! So I find it quite fascinating that in California you can actually climb a mountain and enjoy the beach on the very same day.

Montaña de Oro State Park is right on the coast, AND contains both mountains and beaches. In fact, one trail we found on my AllTrails app combined a climb up Valencia Peak with a 2-mile jaunt on the Bluff Trail overlooking the Pacific. Ding, ding, ding! Sounds like a winner!

Valencia Peak was tough, but doable, in our current fitness condition. In fact, I was surprised at how efficiently I was able to attack the ascent, stopping only infrequently to catch my breath. Not like my usual huffing and puffing up the mountain!

The view from Valencia Peak
Seen from Bluff Trail

Wow. Those HIIT workouts must be paying off! I congratulated myself and patted myself on the back multiple times, being pleased as punch at my physically fit self!

The following weekend, we were back in the desert and decided to do a more local hike. We loaded up our packs and headed for Walker’s Pass, only half an hour from where we live. We chose a trail that would take us to the Kiavah Wilderness, on a side of the mountain we had never seen.

Kiavah Wilderness

I hiked 100 yards or so. Huff! Puff! What is wrong with me??? Why is this so hard? Last weekend was so much easier!

The “catch my breath” moments came with increasing frequency as the climb steepened, even though the elevation gain was actually quite comparable to that of Valencia Peak. I found the difficulty of the hike quite disconcerting after the relative ease of the previous weekend’s hike!

The facts suddenly dawned on me. Valencia Peak, at its apex, sits at 1,347 feet above sea level. Walker’s Pass trail begins at 5,000 feet. There is significantly less oxygen at higher altitudes! By the time we reached our turnaround point at 7000 feet, the O2 levels were a whopping 23% less than they had been at sea level! (If you’ve never hiked at high altitudes the numbers may not mean anything to you. That’s okay. Take my word for it. It matters!)

No wonder I was gasping for breath! And what a shame that my “I must be in really good shape” bubble was burst. I guess I shouldn’t relax my HIIT just yet.

The day’s hike made me think of all the times I’ve tried to do things in my own strength instead of relying on the power of the Holy Spirit – promised to all those who have trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation. My strength runs out so quickly, but according to Ephesians 1:19-20, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is available to all those who believe in Him!

How much easier life’s “mountains” are to climb when we are powered by the oxygen of the Holy Spirit rather than relying on our own pitiful reserves.

Is it simply me? Do you sometimes find yourself huffing and puffing through life, unaware of your lack of oxygen? Are you relying on your limited stores of strength when all the time He is waiting for you to breathe in His endless supply? What can you do to remind yourself to tap into HIS reserves of life-giving power?

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  1. Nancy

    Hi Kari, what a beautiful object lesson and reminder of where our strength comes from. I read this on a day that I was feeling unusually weak, physically and spiritually. Just the reminder I needed. Thank you.

    • Kari

      I’m so thankful you are encouraged! I need constant reminders that it’s His strength, not mine, that I need to rely on. Praying for you, Nancy!

  2. Jodi

    Love this Kari! 💜 My “lack of oxygen” moment comes with trying to post a comment! 3-1 was almost answered as 4. I kept clicking “post comment,” only to be told to “go back” several 🙄 times! Somehow I managed to jump to “post comment” without seeing anything above it! Humility and I are often hanging out together!

    • Kari

      Thank you, Jodi! I can totally relate. Humility is a close comrade of mine as well!

  3. Lorie Ochoa

    Such a wonderful reminder thanks for sharing so beautifully ❤️

    • Kari

      I’m glad you liked it. I just love when God gives us glimpses of Himself in the everyday stuff of life!

  4. Barbara Fowler

    What a perfect example of our need to breathe deeply the grace and power freely offered by the Holy Spirit! Your words are an inspiration, Kari! I could easily imagine your exhilaration at Montana de Oro. It was a favorite of ours during college days at Cal Poly.

    • Kari

      Thank you for your encouragement, Barbara! I didn’t know you went to Cal Poly. It’s such a beautiful area! We loved it so much we had to take the kids there during their visit last week.