My Story

I’ve wanted to write for as long as I can remember. I mean really write. Oh, I have boxes full of journals I’ve filled with words about my thoughts, my feelings, what I was learning, what I did on a given day, what I ate for breakfast, you name it. It’s in a journal somewhere. But I’ve always longed for more.

In 2020, I dared to start a blog. Would anyone want to read my stories? I found ways to connect with people through shared stories of life and hardship, victories and failures. It seemed that my stories held themes that were common to us all. And when we find those common threads that we all share, we learn that we are not alone. That we are all on this adventure called ‘life’ together.

Sometimes life takes us places we would rather not go. It can become soul-wrenching in its heaviness. I went to one of those places in 2021. Suddenly I had more than I could share in a blog post or two. It was time to write a book!

In 2022, I began writing my first book. And I learned that writing a book is hard work! But write it I must, because I have a story that’s begging to be shared. And when it’s complete, we’ll connect over its pages. And you will know that you’re not alone in the hard times. We’ll laugh. We’ll cry. We will connect. Because that’s what life is about.



You can make anything by writing.

– C.S. Lewis