A New Flavor

A New Flavor

It’s been over four years since I first started my blog, but I was a writer long before that. I have boxes of notebooks and journals filled with words—thoughts, dreams, experiences poured out of my heart and onto the page. But all the words were mine and mine...
Happily Ever After?

Happily Ever After?

Can I let you in on a little secret? I’m writing my first book. I’ve wanted to be a writer from the time I was a little girl. My friend, Heather, and I were quite ambitious as children. We once started a petition to have the old Thompson house rebuilt as a point of...
When Silence Isn’t Golden

When Silence Isn’t Golden

My heart wants to write. My mind wants to write. I find much joy in putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and pouring out my heart, mind, and soul onto the page. But sometimes I prepare myself, I set aside a hefty block of time in my schedule, I pray, and I...
Living Above the Line

Living Above the Line

I used to be a journaler. And then I wasn’t. And then I was, but only sporadically. But in the last few months I’ve come to value my journaling time as a precious gift. I’ve begun a practice of journaling three pages first thing every morning. These pages contain...