Living Above the Line

Living Above the Line

I used to be a journaler. And then I wasn’t. And then I was, but only sporadically. But in the last few months I’ve come to value my journaling time as a precious gift. I’ve begun a practice of journaling three pages first thing every morning. These pages contain...
A Thanksgiving Sacrifice

A Thanksgiving Sacrifice

Not again. Tears? Really? Where do they come from? What is their purpose? And the bigger question. HOW CAN I STOP THEM? It was just one of those weeks. I blogged a few weeks ago about “Bob the Blob,” that heavy “blah” feeling, that personal rain cloud,...
What’s in Your Backpack?

What’s in Your Backpack?

Hiking rocks! It just does. There’s something about being out in nature, exerting yourself, feasting on the stunning scenery spoken into existence by the Creator. On a recent hiking trip, my husband and I had hiked up a particular trail for about 4 miles. We...
For Today’s Post…Oh, Look! A Squirrel!

For Today’s Post…Oh, Look! A Squirrel!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels This is not the post I planned to write today. I’m sure I’m the only one who ever does this (add sarcastic eye roll here), but when I sat down to write I simply COULD NOT organize my thoughts. Even with my title...
Behind the Smoke

Behind the Smoke

While my husband and I are currently residing in California, I am Southern born and Southern bred. (Cue Randy and the boys.) The south has my home and my heart—not to mention my kids and kinfolk (See? I told you I’m from the south!). Of course, it also has...