Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me

Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me

Saturday evenings were very predictable in the home in which I grew up. Hee-Haw came on at 6:00 p.m., and my parents tuned in religiously. (Perhaps this is where I developed my extreme dislike for country music.) As there was only one TV in our home at that time,...
The Power of Oxygen

The Power of Oxygen

A few weeks ago Hubs and I took a weekend trip to celebrate our anniversary. If you read my blog with any regularity, you know that we are avid hikers. Not backpackers, but day hikers. The mountains are our happy place! I intend no affront to my beachy friends—we...
Consider the Kitties

Consider the Kitties

Consider the kitties.They are born on top of the a/c unit,and, though not really a cat person,you feel delight in your heart at the birth. At the cry of one, you run get the scissorsto cut the umbilical cord away from the crevice in the brickswhere it is trapped,and...
Confessions of a Serial Stuffer

Confessions of a Serial Stuffer

I am a dog person through and through. I grew up always having a dog, a companion, a friend, and playmate. My husband and I lost our favorite dog last summer, and are currently without a dog for the first time in our near-30-year marriage. We are in a temporary home...
When Silence Isn’t Golden

When Silence Isn’t Golden

My heart wants to write. My mind wants to write. I find much joy in putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and pouring out my heart, mind, and soul onto the page. But sometimes I prepare myself, I set aside a hefty block of time in my schedule, I pray, and I...
The Weary World Rejoices

The Weary World Rejoices

I watch and I wait. I talk about the year 2020 like it is my nemesis. I don’t think I am alone, for our comments and memes indicate that we all fervently long to turn the calendar on January 1, 2021, and find that life has resumed some degree of normalcy. The...