When God Interrupts

When God Interrupts

“The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” As mentioned in a previous post, I have established a practice of writing three pages first thing every morning. I got out of the habit for the last several months while it seemed that...
And the Other Shoe Dropped

And the Other Shoe Dropped

I stood on the front lawn, the phone to my ear, a 9-1-1 dispatcher providing the assurance that help was on the way, and wondered if the gurney would fit through the mess of flower pots on the front sidewalk. A hauling service truck turned onto the street, ready to...
Confessions of a Serial Stuffer

Confessions of a Serial Stuffer

I am a dog person through and through. I grew up always having a dog, a companion, a friend, and playmate. My husband and I lost our favorite dog last summer, and are currently without a dog for the first time in our near-30-year marriage. We are in a temporary home...
A Thanksgiving Sacrifice

A Thanksgiving Sacrifice

Not again. Tears? Really? Where do they come from? What is their purpose? And the bigger question. HOW CAN I STOP THEM? It was just one of those weeks. I blogged a few weeks ago about “Bob the Blob,” that heavy “blah” feeling, that personal rain cloud,...
Behind the Smoke

Behind the Smoke

While my husband and I are currently residing in California, I am Southern born and Southern bred. (Cue Randy and the boys.) The south has my home and my heart—not to mention my kids and kinfolk (See? I told you I’m from the south!). Of course, it also has...