I’ve been thinking…
Words Like Weapons: Surviving a Narcissist’s Emotional Attacks
“I DON’T TRUST YOU!” And just like that, four little syllables nearly knocked me flat. If my hair were longer, I feel sure it would have blown back at the force of these words from my mother-in-law. Never had I had such hate hurled in my direction, and my sensitive...
When Grief Doesn’t Look Like Grief
Note: I wrote most of this post while my brother-in-law was still in hospice care. He passed away yesterday. I've decided to share these reflections as they were, with minimal changes, as part of my own processing journey. I was scrolling through Facebook on our way...
The Gift of Letting Go: A Journey Through Narcissistic Abuse
Did you read my last post about slowing down in the new year? Taking things as they come rather than frantically trying to plan and pursue a harried agenda? I find it very interesting that in January I read no less than three blog posts, besides my own, that said...
When Your New Year Doesn’t Start with a Bang
“I feel like I’m in a pit, and the sides of the walls are all covered in slime. I’m trying to claw my way out, and I just keep sliding back down.” I spoke these words to my husband just yesterday. I usually start the new year off like I’m running a race, and the...
Finding Hope on the Desert Road
I heard a song on the radio last week that caught my attention. It was a song by Casting Crowns, and though it has been out for a couple of years, somehow I’ve missed it until now. The lyrics astonished me as they reverberated through my car speakers, so precisely...
What’s in a Name?
No doubt you have heard this famous line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (9th grade English, anyone?). Shakespeare uses this line to show that one’s name (and all the baggage it brings) is irrelevant, at least in matters of the heart. But this isn’t always true....
We are all storytellers. We all live in a network of stories. There isn’t a stronger connection between people than storytelling.