Consider the Kitties

Written by Kari Ingram

May 2, 2021

Consider the kitties.
They are born on top of the a/c unit,
and, though not really a cat person,
you feel delight in your heart at the birth.

At the cry of one, you run get the scissors
to cut the umbilical cord away from the crevice in the bricks
where it is trapped,
and pick up the other newborn from the ground where it has fallen.
You watch over them to make sure mama and kitties have
all they need for life.

When mama cat walks away,
apparently uninterested in motherhood,
you bury the first victim of her neglect,
and then take the other inside your home.
You warm the cold, nearly lifeless body,
and offer another chance at life.
You spend your money for kitten formula and a nursing kit,
and wake up every three hours to provide the nourishment “Tiger” needs.
You react to its cries, making sure it is warm and full.
You even make sure Tiger pees and poops,
just as an attentive feline mother would have done.

And in each act of care,
your heart grows fonder,
so that when the time comes to hand Tiger over
to a more capable mother,
the tears well up in your eyes.

If you, being of such limited capacity, care so much for the offspring of a feral cat,
how much more does your Father in heaven, Almighty God, care for you!
He warms you, and feeds you, and provides for all your needs.
He basks in the simple joy of holding you.
But one thing differs.
He will never hand you over to another,
for there is none more capable than He
of loving you the way you long to be loved.

Rest in Him, my child, for you are more valuable to Him than many kitties.

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  1. Nancy

    This is so sweet, Kari.

    • Kari

      Thank you, Nancy! God is so sweet to give us glimpses of Himself in unexpected places.

  2. Jodi

    Love this Kari. Our God is amazing, so thankful to be intimately acquainted with Him. 💜

    • Kari

      Thank you, Jodi! He IS amazing!

  3. Beth

    I LOVE this sweet story, Kari! What a wonderful reminder my heart needed to hear at this season in my life. Thank you for using your God-given gift of writing to bless others–what an amazing gift! You are so talented, my friend!

    • Kari

      Thank you for your encouragement, sweet friend. God knew that I needed this reminder as well. I love how He uses everyday life circumstances to give us glimpses of His heart.