A New Flavor

Written by Kari Ingram

October 15, 2024

It’s been over four years since I first started my blog, but I was a writer long before that. I have boxes of notebooks and journals filled with words—thoughts, dreams, experiences poured out of my heart and onto the page. But all the words were mine and mine alone—the ramblings of a secret heart afraid of vulnerability, afraid of exposure.

The first time I pressed the “Publish” button on my blog, I felt as though my life had taken on a new meaning. I learned it was okay to share my thoughts with the world. There were people that even enjoyed reading what I had to say because it echoed some of their own thoughts. Sometimes another can put into words things you feel, but do not know how to express.

Two and a half years ago, after a few tumultuous months, God gave me a bigger story to tell than I could put in a blog post, and I decided to write a book. You can read about that decision here. I did not quite know what I was getting into, and that’s good because I might not have taken that plunge. But plunge I did, and I now have a story that’s about 3/4 written. Along the way, I have learned a whole lot about writing a book—mostly that I have a whole lot left to learn! But also along the way, I have met a lot of really cool people who have walked this path before me and graciously share what they have learned.

The novel I’m writing deals with the very heavy issue of narcissistic abuse. It’s a hard story to tell, but one that desperately needs to be told. Ask any mental health expert. Narcissism is on the rise. It has apparently gained enough notoriety to merit its own day! In 2016, June 1st became known as World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day. I don’t know how a thing earns its own “day,” but the fact that narcissistic abuse even has one is quite telling.

Why am I telling you all this? You may find the “flavor” of my posts changing a bit. I hope you’ll hang in there with me. God is still the hero of the story! But if at some point you find that my blog posts are no longer your cup of tea, I will understand if you feel we need to part ways.

On the other hand, if you are aware of someone in your world that has been affected by narcissism, I hope you will share my newsletter with them. (Notice I did not say “If you know someone….” I assure you that you do.) It’s my desperate plea that as more and more people bring this issue into the light, those who have suffered from narcissistic abuse will find the hope and healing that is available through Jesus Christ.

For it is you who light my lamp;
the LORD my God lightens my darkness.

Psalm 18:28, ESV

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